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CatalanVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Intermediate vocabulary in Catalan → Expressions and phrases for writing

In this lesson, we will focus on learning useful expressions and phrases for writing in Catalan. Whether you are writing a formal letter, an email, or any other type of written communication, having a good grasp of these expressions will greatly enhance your writing skills. We will cover a wide range of topics, including greetings, introductions, expressing opinions, making requests, and much more. By the end of this lesson, you will be equipped with the vocabulary and expressions necessary to effectively communicate in written Catalan.

Greetings and Introductions[edit | edit source]

When writing a letter or an email, it is important to begin with a proper greeting. Here are some common greetings and introductions in Catalan:

Catalan Pronunciation English
Hola /ˈɔ.lə/ Hello
Bon dia /bɔn ˈdi.ə/ Good morning
Bona tarda /ˈbɔ.nə ˈtar.ðə/ Good afternoon
Bona nit /ˈbɔ.nə ˈnit/ Good evening/night

When introducing yourself, you can use the following phrases:

  • Hola, em dic [Your Name]. - Hello, my name is [Your Name].
  • M'agradaria presentar-me. - I would like to introduce myself.
  • Deixa'm que em digui una mica sobre mi. - Let me tell you a bit about myself.

Expressing Opinions[edit | edit source]

When writing, it is important to be able to express your opinions clearly. Here are some useful expressions for expressing opinions in Catalan:

  • Crec que... - I believe that...
  • Segons la meva opinió... - In my opinion...
  • Des del meu punt de vista... - From my point of view...
  • Estic d'acord amb... - I agree with...
  • No estic d'acord amb... - I disagree with...
  • Em sembla que... - It seems to me that...

Making Requests[edit | edit source]

In written communication, you may need to make requests or ask for information. Here are some phrases that can help you make requests in Catalan:

  • Podries...? - Could you...?
  • Em podries enviar més informació sobre...? - Could you send me more information about...?
  • M'agradaria rebre... - I would like to receive...
  • Et demano que... - I ask you to...
  • Seria possible...? - Would it be possible...?
  • Si us plau, podries...? - Please, could you...?

Giving Thanks and Apologies[edit | edit source]

When writing, it is important to express gratitude and apologize when necessary. Here are some phrases to help you do so in Catalan:

  • Moltes gràcies! - Thank you very much!
  • Et/vos estic molt agraït/agraïda. - I am very grateful to you.
  • Ho sento molt. - I am very sorry.
  • Em sap greu. - I apologize.
  • Perdona'm/perdoneu-me. - Forgive me.
  • Gràcies per la teva/vosta ajuda. - Thank you for your help.

Closing Remarks[edit | edit source]

To conclude your letter or email, you can use the following closing remarks in Catalan:

  • Atentament - Sincerely
  • Cordialment - Cordially
  • Salutacions - Greetings
  • Fins aviat - See you soon
  • Amb afecte - With affection

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

In Catalan culture, it is common to use formal greetings and expressions when writing letters or emails, especially when corresponding with people you do not know well. It is considered polite to use titles such as "Sr." (for a man) or "Sra." (for a woman) before the recipient's last name. Additionally, it is customary to include a brief introductory paragraph in which you inquire about the recipient's well-being and express your desire for their health and happiness.

Historically, letter writing has played an important role in Catalan literature. Many well-known Catalan writers, such as Josep Pla and Mercè Rodoreda, have written extensively in the form of letters. These letters offer a unique insight into Catalan culture, history, and the personal lives of these writers.

Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now it's time to practice what you've learned! Below are some exercises to help you reinforce your understanding of the expressions and phrases for writing in Catalan.

Exercise 1: Greetings and Introductions Write a short email introducing yourself to a pen pal. Include a greeting, a brief introduction, and a closing remark.

Exercise 2: Expressing Opinions Write a paragraph expressing your opinion on a current social issue. Use the expressions and phrases for expressing opinions that you have learned.

Exercise 3: Making Requests Write an email to a hotel requesting information about room availability and prices for a specific date.

Exercise 4: Giving Thanks and Apologies Write a thank-you note to a friend who has helped you with a recent project. Express your gratitude and appreciation.

Exercise 5: Closing Remarks Write a letter to a family member or friend, closing with a heartfelt closing remark.

Solutions[edit | edit source]

Exercise 1: Greetings and Introductions Subject: Introducing Myself


Em dic [Your Name] i sóc de [Your Country]. M'agradaria presentar-me i començar una correspondència amb tu. Estic molt emocionat/emocionada de tenir un amic/amiga de Catalunya. Espero que aquesta carta et trobi bé i que gaudisquis de bona salut.

Gràcies per dedicar temps a llegir la meva missiva. Estic desitjant conèixer-te millor i compartir experiències i pensaments.

Cordialment, [Your Name]

Exercise 2: Expressing Opinions Subject: My Opinion on [Social Issue]

Estimat [Recipient's Name],

Segons la meva opinió, [Social Issue] és un tema molt important que requereix l'atenció de tota la societat. Crec que hem de treballar junts per trobar solucions efectives i duradores a aquesta qüestió. Des del meu punt de vista, és imprescindible que els governs implementin polítiques que promoguin la igualtat i la justícia per a tots els ciutadans. No estic d'acord amb la discriminació i la desigualtat que sovint s'observen en aquest àmbit.

Em sembla que la sensibilització i l'educació són claus per a un canvi real. Hem de conscienciar la societat sobre els problemes relacionats amb [Social Issue] i promoure el respecte i la tolerància envers totes les persones, sense importar la seva raça, gènere o origen ètnic.

Gràcies per llegir la meva opinió. Estic obert/oberta a escoltar altres punts de vista i debatre sobre aquest tema tan important.

Cordialment, [Your Name]

Exercise 3: Making Requests Subject: Room Availability and Prices

Bon dia,

Em dic [Your Name] i estic interessat/interessada a reservar una habitació al vostre hotel. Podrieu enviar-me més informació sobre la disponibilitat de les habitacions i els preus per a la data del [Specific Date]? M'agradaria saber si teniu habitacions individuals o dobles disponibles i quines són les tarifes per a cada opció.

Agraïria si em poguéssiu informar sobre les instal·lacions de l'hotel i qualsevol altre detall rellevant. També m'agradaria saber si hi ha alguna oferta especial o descompte disponible durant aquesta temporada.

Si us plau, doneu-me una resposta tan aviat com us sigui possible. Estic molt interessat/interessada en allotjar-me al vostre hotel.

Cordialment, [Your Name]

Exercise 4: Giving Thanks and Apologies Subject: Thank You!

Hola [Friend's Name],

Moltes gràcies per l'ajuda que m'has proporcionat en el projecte recent. Estic molt agraït/agraïda per tot el suport que m'has brindat. Sense la teva ajuda, no hauria estat possible aconseguir-ho.

Em sap greu si et vaig causar algun inconvenient durant el procés. Valor moltíssim la teva paciència i disposició per ajudar-me en tot moment. Estic molt content/contenta amb els resultats finals i et debo una gran part dels èxits.

Gràcies de nou per tot. Saps que sempre pots comptar amb mi per a qualsevol cosa que necessitis.

Amb afecte, [Your Name]

Exercise 5: Closing Remarks Subject: Sending Love

Estimat/Estimada [Family Member/Friend's Name],

Espero que aquesta carta et trobi bé i que gaudeixis de bona salut. Vull que sàpigues que et penso molt i que sempre tens un lloc especial en el meu cor.

Recordo els bons moments que hem compartit junts i valoro molt la nostra relació. Espero que ens veiem aviat i que puguem crear més records inoblidables junts.

Fins aviat i molts petons.

Amb afecte, [Your Name]

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations on completing this lesson on expressions and phrases for writing in Catalan! You have learned a variety of useful vocabulary and expressions that will greatly improve your written communication skills. Keep practicing and incorporating these expressions into your writing, and you will soon become a confident and effective writer in Catalan.

Table of Contents - Catalan Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Introduction to Catalan

Greetings and Introductions

Articles and Nouns

Numbers and Time

Adjectives and Pronouns

Family and Relationships

Verbs and Tenses

Food and Dining

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Travel and Transportation

Catalan Culture

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